What is Your point, God? (case study: Braven Wiragupti Kewo)

YES! My blog has reborn! Akhirnya gue menghidupkan kehidupan blogger gue yang uda lama banget terbengkalai... ('mayalicious' was my previous blog, sangat terbengkalai)... Searching for the most appropriate layout took long time... Not because I couldn't find my favourite (I even confused, they're all cute!), but there was always problem with its CSS...
Oh, and P.S: INDOSAT BROADBAND minta ditabok!


Co-starring: Putu Daivi Prawisanti, FE-Manejemen 2007

Scene 1:
it was about 8 in the morning. I wasn't sure. Because I just got asleep at 5 a.m and I was damn sleepy when I heard her called my name. I was laid on bed, my soul hasn't gathered perfectly, half of it made me believe that I was still dreaming.

Maya!!! Titip kamarku ya!
Hoh... (sleepily agreeing)
Titip ya! Aku mau ke rumah sakit dulu! Temenku 'lewat' (a.k.a passed, a.k.a meninggal).
Ya ampun... (still with the same 'pitch' with my previous 'hoh...')

Scene 2:
It's already 9.30 am and I'm fully sober, but not sober enough to realize that Scene no. 1 is real. I logged in my facebook, there I saw my friend status posted just a moment ago:

God will guide his guy. Tribute to our beloved friend,Braven Wiragupti Kewo.

"EEH?! So it was not a dream??!" No way! I mean, I know this 'Braven' was in a terrible condition, but it's like just yesterday we talked about how he had a strong will to survive and back to his life.
So, that's how it works.
Life can be taken anytime God wants it. Ready or not, there won't be rehearsal for it. One thing that I have no idea about is how He choose that person. This 'Braven' was told by Daivi as a very nice and kindhearted boy. How he passed is not as 'good' as he had behaved. Totally 180 degrees unmatched! It isn't fair for me who always believe in karma.

Oh, forget it. He won't answer, though. He has 'straight-answer-allergic' and obsesses to 'perfect-timing-answer'.
Yeah, I got it, God. I have to be ready anytime it takes. To leave or to be left.

Few seconds...

"What? Am I going to die know?! How would You like to make it? Slip my foot? Or choke me with toothbrush? Yeah, right. 'perfect-timing', huh?"
I walked to my bathroom with my towel on my head.

Hell stupid, I haven't said my condolences properly (it was just 'ya ampun' with blank minded condition)!

Good bye, Braven eventhough we never knew each other. You'll be getting what you deserve there, cause I still believe in Him eventhough I still couldn't undertstand the way He makes thing happened. Don't worry, He'll be taking care of you and your family.

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