Arashi - 5x10

There are a lot of wonderful songs that I like. I danced to them, I sang it, but none of them get into my heart.

Not like this song.

This song tells us about how Arashi had been through their 10 years. From the very first time I heard it, I felt something warm inside. It gives me strength. It gives me peace. It gives me spirit to face my hardest day.

Those guys, from their songs, from their TV shows, are really brilliant. Brilliant in making all of their fans have the feeling of becoming the part of Arashi. Have the feeling of belonging that name together.

I know, I'm not following them since their first debut. I know I'm nothing compared with those loyal fans who follow them since their first debut. I became their fans since July this year. But I know that I am really welcomed to be a part of "Arashi". I feel like having new family, new friends, new big brothers, new role models...

But because I started to know them less than a year, I'm so afraid. Now they have through their 10 years. I'm so afraid that all that is left to see is farewell. I am so afraid of it. I don't want it to happen.

This 5x10 song, somehow they dedicated for those fans whose they have seen supporting them. Watch their concert, for example. But you know, Arashi, out of Japan, Taiwan, and Korea, there are more to see. Those who can't meet you. Those who can't deliver their support straightly to you. But they keep supporting you, their spirit always be with you. Yeah, it's me including. I will never ever meet you, guys. It's too impossible. But here, from my place, I always give my support.

You probably think my post is childish, kinda dreamer, or whatever it is. But I just want to say to those guys:

Minna, arigatou.
Chikara wo agete kureru.
Tsuyoku naru.
Shiawase wo agete kureru.
Itsumo sumairu ga dekiru.
sabishikunakute, kanashikunaku naru.
Subete, anata ga iru kara.

Watashi wa, kono tooi tokoro kara, anata no tame ni, chikara wo okurimasu.
Itsumo, gambatte ne!

Viral Communication: sebuah seleksi alam

Dari kuliah manajemen periklanan waktu ini, gue mendapatkan istilah baru: VIRAL COMMUNICATION! Sebenarnya mungkin nggak begitu baru. Sebagian besar dari kita pasti sudah pernah melakukannya. Viral communication itu bentuk komunikasi yang penyebarannya sangat cepat seperti virus komputer. Nah, salah satu contohnya adalah apa yang kita lakukan di facebook. Nge-tag foto, note, link youtube, dan sebagainya. Dari kita nyebar ke teman kita, dari teman kita nyebar ke sodaranya, dari sodaranya temen kita nyebar ke tetangganya, dan seterusnya.

Yang unik dari viral communication tersebut, jika kita berbicara dalam konteks pemasaran, adalah kontrol penyebarannya sepenuhnya di tangan konsumen. Kalau mereka suka, mereka akan dengan senang hati dan sukarela membantu menyebarkannya. Hal tersebut tentu sangat membantu marketer dalam penyebaran informasi mengenai produknya. Tapi di sini menjadi pilihan yang sulit bagi marketer.

Dead or alive. Mungkin itu istilah yang tepat untuk menggambarkan posisi marketer dalam viral communication. Yang terjadi nantinya adalah mirip seleksi alam. Karena kontrol sepenuhnya di tangan konsumen, bagi mereka yang tidak mampu mengemas pesannya dengan baik, tidak bisa mengambil hati konsumen, tidak tahu apa yang konsumen inginkan, maka usaha tersebut akan stagnan atau kolaps. So, more power in consumers' hands!

Pentingnya Service dalam Marketing

Studi kasus: Fotokopi N

Gw dapet tugas Pemasaran Interaktif untuk membuat sebuah response paper berdasarkan buku yang ditentukan oleh dosen. Hari senin yang lalu (7-9-09), gw sudah dengan sangat puyengnya mencari itu buku ke mana-mana yang membawa gue pada satu tempat foto kopian, sebut saja foto kopian N, yang kebetulan menyediakan buku itu.

Sebenarnya, dari awal gue dan teman gue merequest untuk difotokopikan buku yang gue inginin gue udah ngerasa sifat tukang fotokopian yang tidak ramah. Mereka tidak menyambut pesanan kita dengan antusias dan malah bersifat ogah-ogahan (gue bahkan merasa mereka terganggu dengan kehadiran dan permintaan kami). Aneh sekali. Dimana-mana pedangang kalo ada pelanggan biasanya senang...

Well, pada akhirnya mereka janji lusa akan selesai. Itu juga dengan tanggapan ketus dari seorang pegawai yang mukanya dari pertama gue liat udah serasa ngajak perang. Dia bilang, "Terserah. Yang penting jangan besok."

Kalau kita sebagai manusia normal yang paling tidak menguasai aritmatika dasar dan memiliki persepsi sama bahwa 1+2=3, kalau dibilang lusa terhitung dari tanggal 7, berarti selesainya tanggal 9 kan? Nah, karena gue masih merasa orang normal dan bisa berhitung, datanglah gue dan teman gue pada tanggal 9 dengan perasaan lega karena akhirnya kita bisa mengerjakan tugas yang deadline-nya besok (tanggal 10). Si mas-mas nyolot itu malah bilang dengan santainya sambil sedikit tertawa:
"Lho? Kamis kan bilangnya waktu ini? Nggak bisa kita selesain sekarang, banyak kerjaan." HEY! I don't care! That's your business!
dan kita lihat buku pesanan kita bahkan nggak disentuh sama sekali. Memang gue juga salah sih waktu itu nggak bawa notanya untuk nunjukin, "Oi, geblek! Harusnya udah selesai sekarang!"

Karena gue udah kesel banget dan ketakutan dikejar deadline tugas trus gue bilang, "Ya udah deh, mas! Fotokopiin bab 1 sama 2nya aja deh dulu. Penting banget buat tugas dikumpul besok! Besok saya balikin lagi buat digabung sama sisanya trus dijilid!"

Mas-masnya yang agak muda dan polos bengong, yang nyolot pura-pura sibuk ngerjain sesuatu.

"Ngerti nggak?! Jadi kalian foto kopi aja sisa babnya, besok fotokopian ini digabung sama sisanya tinggal dijilid aja."

Dia manggut-manggut.
Trus kita tinggalin sebentar sambil keliling nyari flashdisk, mouse, dsb. Pas kita balik, fotokopian yang CUMA 2 bab itu belom selesai juga! Ya sudah, karena perlu banget kita tungguin. Terus habis itu, dia sodorin kita sambil bilang, "5 ribu satunya".
"LAH?! Kan saya udah DP 50 ribu!!! Ngapain saya bayar lagi?!"
Trus si mas-mas sinis yang nyebelin dateng, "Mending mbak buat yang ini bayar aja, buat bukunya lain."
"Kenapa harus gitu?" gue udah ga ada sabar-sabarnya lagi.
"Soalnya beda."
"Apanya yang beda?" nada gue uda sinis abis. Pantes buat itu orang.
"Programnya beda."
"Program apanya?"
"Itunya... blablabla" dia bergumam nggak jelas sambil menjauh.
Gue merasa nggak usah ngeladenin orang itu. Gue ngerasa nggak ada yang beda dengan foto kopian biasa. Tintanya nggak berubah jadi emas. Orang itu cuma bisanya asal ngomong tanpa ngerti apa-apa. Dia kira gue bego?! Mungkin gue bahkan lebih ngerti mesin fotokopinya dibanding dia! Yang dia pikirin tu cuma uang, uang, uang aja! Nggak tau malu! Kalau gue jadi dia, gue nggak bakal berani ngomong soal uang karena gue tau sebenernya gue yang salah.

Besoknya gue dan teman gue dateng lagi ke sana. Sebelumnya, mengingat kita harus datang lagi ke tempat itu aja udah malesnya minta ampun. Dan ternyata... BUKUNYA NGGAK DISENTUH SAMA SEKALI!
"Nggak bisa ditungguin sekarang. Perlu diblok lagi, blablabla. " Muncul istilah fotokopian yang nggak pernah gue denger dari tukang fotokopian manapun.
"Iya, kan mbak bawa bab 1 dan bab 2 nya." Dia menyalahkan kita yang notabene KONSUMEN! Customer! Dan dia menyalahkan kita yang nggak ada salah apa-apa!

Lha?! Kenapa nggak lo kerjain sisanya?! Bukunya kan ada di elo?!!

Trus, akhirnya teman gue menyodorkan nota dan menyuruh salah satu mas di sana buat tulis sendiri kalo jadinya bakal besok. Dia tanda tangan dan menulis namanya sambil ia eja, "I-M-A-M" seakan-akan menegaskan ke kita kalau itu bukan salah mereka dan ia berani tanggung jawab.

Bagus, pikir gue. Kalau sampai besok nggak jadi juga, gue akan scan itu nota dan gue publish di sini.

Dari pengalaman buruk gue dengan tempat foto kopi nyebelin itu, gue mendapat persepsi:
  1. Mereka nggak profesional. Terlalu banyak excuse (which is konsumen nggak mau tau!), dan nggak mau tanggung jawab atas pekerjaan mereka.
  2. Mereka nggak niat kerja. Liat aja dari tampang dan kinerja mereka yang lambat. Belum lagi tempatnya berantakan banget. Gue aja dikasi lembar nota yang kusut kayak habis dipake nimpuk orang.
  3. Mereka nggak bisa menghargai konsumen. Bersifat sinis dan nggak melayani dengan sepenuh hati. What could be worse than that?
  4. Bikin emosi! Bikin gue nggak mau balik! Tiap mau kesana bawaannya mau perang aja!
Keputusan gue?
Ya nggak mau balik lagi ke sanalah! Nggak akan pernah! Gila aja!

Fotokopian N tersebut sama sekali tidak merespon tren marketing saat ini, di mana terjadi pergeseran paradigma yang dulu biasanya mereka berorientasi untuk menjual barang atau jasa dan mendapat profit setinggi-tingginya, tapi sekarang lebih kepada bagaimana membuat konsumen nyaman dengan pelayanan yang baik. Starbucks, McD, KFC, Airlines, Telkomsel, dan masih banyak industri lainnya sekarang mulai berfokus pada bagaimana membuat pelanggan nyaman dan senang sehingga bisa menimbulkan long term relationship dengan pelanggannya dan membuat mereka menjadi loyal customer. Hal tersebut dikarenakan jauh lebih sulit untuk mendapatkan konsumen baru. Salah satu cara yang efektif, ya itu! Dengan cara memegang dengan kuat konsumen lama dan mencegah mereka beralih ke brand lain, apalagi karena alasan tidak puas atau kecewa. Bahkan gue akan lebih memilih belanja di toko kecil tapi mbaknya ramah dibanding toko besar yang nggak bisa ngehargain gue sebagai konsumen.

Tapi apa yang dilakukan fotokopi N tersebut malah kebalikannya. Mereka terkesan mengusir pelanggan jauh-jauh dari tempat usaha mereka. Gue sebenernya nggak masalah kalau bukunya nggak selesai hari ini, asalkan mereka ngasi taunya dengan baik-baik, senyum, pokoknya memperlakukan kita dengan baik. Nggak usah memperlakukan kita kayak raja, cukup ramah saja. Tapi mereka sama sekali nggak punya itikad baik untuk itu. Mungkin karena bargaining position mereka besar (mereka fotokopian yang menyediakan buku-buku untuk jurusan gue) makanya mereka berani bertingkah seperti itu.

Kalau gue sudah kerja dan punya cukup uang, gue akan bikin satu fotokopian tepat di sebelah mereka dan menyediakan jasa yang sama selain fotokopi (menyediakan fotokopi buku jurusan gue), tentunya dengan memperbaiki aspek-aspek dimana usaha fotokopian N itu telah gagal, seperti service! Dengan itu, gue akan bunuh usaha fotokopian N itu.

Ups, gue lupa.
Sebelum dibunuh, bakalan kolaps sendiri kok. Dengan pelayanan kayak gitu, mereka malah akan membunuh usaha mereka sendiri. Liat aja ntar.

Oki sensei ni nihon go o naratta!

I just did a pretty long chat with my Sensei about a few things in Japanese that I don't get.
Partly because i watched Arashi TV show too much and I got consufed.

So, here is a summary (or a whole conversation) with him...


sensei, bedanya penggunaan nara sama tara apa?


secara teknis: kk bentuk kamus+nara

k. benda+nara


tapi artinya sama?


secara makna lebih ke to

level pengandaiannya sedikit


brarti tara untuk yang lebih mustahil?


ngga mustahil juga kali ^^


lebih heboh?


more unlikely to happen (sama aja ya?)





sensei, kalau 'beda' apa? chigau?


nanti ketemu 1 lagi ~ba ai ha (tambah pusing deh kalian!)

ada banyak cara u/ bilang 'beda'atau 'salah





bisa chigau




bisa macchigatte imasu

itu lebih ke salah


lawannya onaji apa?


kalo different, ya chigaimasu (chigau ^^)

onaji janai ^^


harfiah skali, haha

tapi onaji k. sifat bukannya? trus chigau kan k.kerja



bisa gitu kok

onaji no koto

chigau koto

bahasa Jpn emang aneh



'koto' itu fungsinya apa?


KB aja

bisa diganti macem2




onaji hito

onaji mono

chigau hito

chigau mono


kalo 'koto' buat dekiru?

kenapa kudu pake koto?




umm... oyogu koto ga dekinai



itu fungsinya u/ membendakan kata kerja


kayak 'thing'



sama kaya -ing di English







sabar, sensei.. masih banyak topik pertanyaan yang ngantre


gara-gara nonton TV shownya arashi


mentang2 mo UAS



gara-gara nonton TV show arashi



pasti doktrinnya si Fika nih


dy malah salah ngeracunin saya

maunya diracunin kat-tun, kenanya arashi

arashi, arashi, for dream..


kalo mau ngomong 'atau' yang simpel gimana, sensei?

misalnya cuma mau ngomong 'kare ato ramen'?


kare to ra-men, dochi?




kare soretomo ra-men, dochi?


sama aja penggunaan to sama soretomo?


dalam konteks barusan iya

to yg artinya sama kayak 'dengan' ya!




boku to anohito


un, un,,

kalo mw ngomong perbandingan, misalnya 'lebih besar' nya aja?

yori ookii?



come again..?


bingung, sensei..

kalo yang diajarin kan kalimat lengkapnya..

jakarta wa denpasar yori ookii

kalo mo ngomong lebih besarnya aja?


jkt no houga ookii

gedean Jkt



kalo mo nanya, lebih besar atau lebih kecil?


dochira ga motto ookii?

lebih besar kan?





bukan yg mana yg besar

kalo itu bisa

dochira ga ookii

berarti 1 besar 1 kecil


un, un


kalo ada motto-nya

2-2nya dah termasuk besar


ahh... wakatta..


cuma ini LEBIH besar dari besar biasa


berarti dua-duanya uda besar, tapi cari yang lebih besar?





apa y... koq jadi lupa




o ya, batas kita pake kalimat futsuu kei sama masu kei relationshipnya gimana?




kalo sama orang sebaya tapi baru kenal, kudu pake -masu?



1st impression is very important 4 the Japs



trus mulai kapan brani pake bentuk byasa?


tergantung feeling

kalo dah ngerasa akrab BANGET




tapi kalo emang ga terbiasa dgn masu-kei

ada futsuu kei berkesan formal kok

tinggal ditambahin n desu

atau ~no


kalo di acara-acara TV mereka emang pake futsuu kei ya?



biasanya hostnya kalo cewek pake bentuk masu

tergantung jenis acaranya sih

kalo talkshow ringan bisa pake futsuu kei

bahkan kata2 kasar juga serig dikeluarin

biar nambah greget


ah, iy..

arashi sering begitu


murid2 saya sering niruin tuh!




komatta na~






umm.. sering ada kata yang nongol.. kayaknya artinya 'this s the worst'.. saigo no ya?

dengernya sih kayak gitu




itu kasar ya, sensei?


atau saiaku (sopannya)


betawi japanis lah

frankly spoken

cowok banget


bedanya bahasa yang dipake cewe ma cowo apa sih?

kalo bunyi blakangnya jadi e, itu cowok doang yang ngomong? kyk uruse, suge, ite..


seringnya sih gitu

yah~cewek lebih halus dan lembut lah (pake softener kali ya? :p:p )



byar lebih imut

sensei, itu suara cewe jepang emang melengking ato dibuat-buat?




kenapa gitu?




biar luchuuuuu


trus cowo-cowo jpg jg suka cewek kyk gitu?


ga tau juga deh

Om2 Japan sih pada suka kayaknya



o ya, sensei

kalo dengan+k.sifat gimana bilangnya?




kayak misalnya, dengan ceria

kayak bentuk -ly di eigo


errr kita lagi ngomongin apa nih?


lost track of the last conv


bunpo check


kalo dengan+k.sifat gimana bilangnya?

kayak misalnya, dengan ceria

dengan hati-hati

crefully, happily,


ceria = genki


macam gitulah


ceria = akarui

ceria = kawaii?

genki ni yaru~

kawaiku yaru~~


ah, diubah ke -ku?


genki ni ikimaaachuu *sambil jejingkrakan dan high pitch sound dan mata berkedip sebelah

coba aja!




kalo KS na & KB tambahin ni

kali KS i ganti 'ku


poin-nya di -yaru?


kali KS i ganti 'ku

kan udah tuh di bab berapaaa gitu


di kata kerjanya


taunya yoku sama hayaku aja






sering dikeluarin kok!


ah, ok.. anggap saya ga tau sama skali, hihihi

yaru sama suru bedanya apa?


suru (sekali lagi) terkesan lebih feminin dari yaru


ah, orang jepang pilih-pilih

sensei, kalo mo bilang 'ga mau' aja?



ga mau apa nih?

ga mau barang x




x ga hoshikunai


misalnya ditawarin, 'mau ga?'


ga mau melakukan


kita cuma mau ngomong 'ga mau' nya aja..


oh~ bilang aja 'ii desu' atau 'kekkou desu'

jangan lsg tembak hoshikunai

ga sopan tuh



bukannya kesannya malah mau?

bukan ya?



ii desu

ngga juga


kira-kira gitu


kalo mau-nya? kalo di Indonesia 'boleh deh'


ngga juga

kalo dalam konteks penawaran bia buat menolak juga

maknanya "watashi ha kono mama de ii desu'

saya gpp kok, kyk gini... udah cukup kok makasih


kalo mau?

*sambil tersenyum senang dan tangan mengulur dan membungkuk secukupnya... waaaaaaaa arigatou gozaimasu.


nice idea


atau itadakimasu (kalo makanan)

atau ~yorokonde itadakimasu


kalo mo bilang 'lo ngapain sih?'



nani (wo) yatte'ru no?

Bandung Trip! (Day 2: Ahh.. ciwalk)

the tastiest porridge ever! Yo Gazibu!
The first thing in my head when I woke up on Sunday morning is, "ok! here we go! a battle of icy water! Ganbatte, Maya!" I wouldn't dare to imagine how cold it is. I made it! Yeah!

By making one angkot into its maximum capacity, we headed up to Gazibu. For a-first-time person like me, I was wondering why we had to go to gazibu? Then Fika said, "Mau cari makan." (stressing on the word 'makan'). Just one second after that, "Ok!" I agreed. :)

When we walked there, we did a few (I swear! A few!) photoshots. On the public spots! It's easy for other people who passed to recognize us as comers.

Since I was so hungry, starving exactly, when Fika gave me choices: kupat tahu or porridge, I definitely chose kupat tahu. YUM! So tasty! But when I tried my friend's porridge, DAMN! It's even tastier! My regret. When we were about to continue our journey, the porridge seller said to us all, "besok-besok dateng lagi ya, neng!"

Definitely, sir! *thumb up*
I promise, when I come visiting Bandung again, I'll visit and buy 2 bowls of your porridge!

Ciwalk: Korean Style, Shodou, and a girl named Airi.
We made our youngest member, Guido 'Ningyo' Ray, happy. We finally decided, "Ok, we're going to Ciwalk..." There was a Japanese event called Bandung - Hamamatsu whatsoever. Full of people in their brilliant cosplay idea (or weird?). We were looking around for something interesting. Then we found it! A shodou (is it the right spell, sensei?) corner! There was an old man who can't speak Indonesia taught people in that corner how to make Japanese Calligraphy. No matter how hard we tried, all the kanji we wrote went wrong. We did a mess in that corner, you know, noisy, a lot of error trial and many more. Until I convinced my self that the people gathered there were not interested in Calligraphy, but just wondered what happen in that corner due to our noise. We closed our visit by saying "Arigatou Gozaimashita!" then ran away (after all the mess).

Few of us found an interesting booth sold a lot of knitted things. It's cute enough to pull us buying few stuffs. I bought a cute gray knitted hat :)

Ah, Ray-kun was talking to a girl! A girl that made him so excited and nervous all the way to ciwalk! A girl with chicken hood! (I swear, it's chicken hoody vest!) Umm, they looked similar, you know? We all agree with that. Especially when they laughed. Does it mean something? Well, it depends on your imagination! :)

At night: what a tiring day!
After Ciwalk, we decided to take photos at some old colonial buildings, so we went to gedung sate. Unpredictable (actually we should have predicted it), taking pictures at Gedung Sate at night made your pictures show nothing but you, plus we are not able to go inside. Gedung Sate's fences are not a good spot. Disappointed, we ended our journey by seaching something to eat. We then had ayam cobek, near University of Padjajaran. THAT WAS DELICIOUS! I love it! The most interesting thing was that we show a 'concert' of 3 street musicians. I said concert because they were playing violin, too. We all agree that their creativity had impressed us, so that we gave much more money than we usually gave to other 'pengamen'.

Accross the ayam cobek seller, we had to wait for Ai's friend who promised to pick Ai up. Quite long enough, so that we thought his friend lied to him. While waiting, it was like more than 3 angkot stopped in front of us offer us seats. Maybe they thought we were lost or something. But sorry, sir. Our car just parked few steps from where you stopped by. Only Wiwid, I thought, the spirited one in that waiting session. She was playing with the camera's self timing mode. She was kinda excited with that.

Got Lost!
Umm... we had some good drivers and navigators for driving this whole trip: Teh Lisa, Fika, Andien, and Wiwid. No wonder we got a very nice trip. A very nice trip without got lost somewhere we didn't know. Well, that must be our thought BEFORE we got back to Rini's house. No matter how clever the squirrel jump, it will also fall down (english translation for: Sepandai-pandainya tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh juga). The shameful thing is: WE GOT LOST INSIDE RINI'S HOUSE AREA! INSIDE THE BLOCK!

for about 20 minutes, we just went around the neighborhood, til Teteh said "kalian emang mau ngerjain aku ya?"

hihihi, gomen ne, Teteh..

Whuaa.. what a tiring day... tiring but fun! Bandung, I wish I can visit you with a bunch of money next time.. YEAH!

Bandung Trip! (Day 1: We brought chaos along with us)

As what we had planned, Saturday (July 18th) me and my 'Jepang 3' classmates went to Bandung. Although it was the first time for me, I couldn't feel any excitement about it, since there was also a QUIZ! Quiz means I have to clean up my brain to provide extra space for bunpo (grammar) and kanji. (Yokatta! 100 kanji! but I'm sure there are only about 70 that I can recall). Damn. I had tried my best. But quiz is never been fun. Grrr!

Trying to forget that nightmare, we (without Oki Sensei and Ayuk Diah for reasons) happily went to the train station to get a train to Gondangdia then gambir. After a long noisy conversation about Japanese idol and dorama (there, I felt Fika-san is more like a 'Japan music and dorama alfalink') we heard an announcement:
Kereta ekonomi AC jurusan Jakarta Kota tidak dapat diberangkatkan karena aliran listrik putus untuk waktu yang tidak ditentukan

What??! You've gotta be kidding!!
I felt like, "ok, this is where our series of unfortunate event started." We then decided to go to Gambir by bus. The bus, again, turned into chaotic and noisy when we got into it. The main cause is the question that is left in our head about what was happening to Fika's head when she said confidently 6000x8 = 54000, while she was holding Rp 56000 in her hand!

Actually, my Dad was also waiting for the same train. He was about to go to gambir to get Damri to the airport. I forgot to tell him that the train would be fixed at 4 pm. He would be late. I decided to call him, telling him about it. He said he was already on his way to the airport. The surprising thing is he had been mistaken reading his plane's departure time. He thought it was 5 pm, while it should be 9! Oh, God...

Back to my trip mates. Train was just the same with us in it. Our voices was the only thing that was heard. Other people silently sat or slept. But we never stop telling jokes. It was really noisy. (If I were other passenger, I would have regreted for being there). I was trying to sleep, but I couldn't. I also shocked by a sudden sound of something hit the window. Seemed like some of naughty boys outside were playing "throw-the-stone-and-laugh" to our train. It scared me enough.

Two of Fika's nice friends (along with the family) was so kind to come and see us at Bandung Train Station. They event rent us a car! Wow! I was surprised how a trip by train made me so exhausted. I tried to sleep in car. But the hell damn driver drove crazily. The sensation was the same as angkot. The different is just we had a little bit more expensive car than angkot. How ever, I was too tired to complain, so I slept.
Arriving at Rini's house, a very kindhearted girl that didn't mind to share her house with us, we had nasi goreng for dinner. (It was tasty. I swear!) Bale Indah is so cold, I was barely freezing. I decided to not taking a bath at first (I couldn't imagine how cold the water is. I might have been frozen). But the offer of having a hot water bath saved me. Although the hot water came in the middle of my bath (they forgot to turn it on), it helped me sleep well to prepare for tomorrow's all day long trip. :)

The stupid thing is that this stuff:

Ga bisa bobo,kebisingan osaka sngat mengganggu...ada emak2 ckikikan pula..ceyem (Ai's status on facebook)

made people believe that we were really in Japan. *sigh*

Still wondering, what is Your point, God?

Left. I was left.
I really hate the feeling. Even worse that the feeling of leaving. It's so hard to face the fact that he had just passed away. It's even harder when you still have one promise to him.
He was kinda 'invisible' in KMHDUI. Went to Makrab 2008, then never showed up. I kept informing him whenever there was an event, even it's just a small one. He ignored. Maybe he was kinda busy.

Few months ago, he started to response my SMS. Always gave a reason whenever he was not able to participate. Just a simple message: "Maaf May aku nggak bisa ikut. Ada acara. Salam buat semuanya ya!"

One day, he asked me one thing:
May, nonton bareng yuk! KMHDUI 2007nya aja!
He asked me 2-3 times, but I still can't complete that request. Still, until now. Until he won't ever ask me again. I will never able to stop blamming my self why I couldn't complete such a simple request from a friend that just wanna see us gathered again. Why did I ask him to wait till those who were in Bali return to Depok? Why didn't I just arrange it with those who are still in Depok?

My friends and I walked beside his coffin to pray for him. I prayed and apology to him. When I was praying, my eyes that were shut felt so hot and burning. When I opened it at the the end of my prayer, tears went down.

I walked away from his coffin. There, I realized that I am not a tough person. I was only able to stand few meters from him, watch him silently 'cause he also sleeps silently. A long sleep. He would never open his eyes again. T

here they were, his parents and siblings. They continued to greet everyone, smile, no tears. I wonder what if I were his parent or sibling? I don't think I'm tough enough for this. I am not ready yet to be left.

I still don't understand how things get going. This is the second time for me after Braven (read post: what is Your point, God?). He was a really nice person, smart, good looking, and fun. This is too sudden! No symptoms, no illness, no pain, no accident? He was just got back from watching Abang None Jakarta, knocked on his sister's door, suddenly he had already laid down on the floor. Many friends of him told that they had just chat with him, spent time together, Facebooking, and so on.

Unbelievable surprise, God. Unfortunately, this is not funny. At all! Nope. I still cannot understand what is Your point.

Dit, selamat jalan. Terlalu mendadak aja rasanya. Kita bahkan belum pernah ngumpul lagi. Maaf ya aku belum bisa menuhin permintaanmu. Maafin aku kalo ada salah sama kamu. Tidur yang tenang ya.

Reviewing Hana Yori Dango (part 1)

The first sentence that came into my head about this post is: How much money that the writer of Hana Yori Dango manga has gotten? The manga has adapted into 3 serials in 3 different languages: Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. Well, umm... I won't count Indonesia, not just because they (the maker of the Indonesian version) didn't admint it, but also because they gave no 'feedback' for the writer of the origin story.

Since I haven't watched whole of the Korean version, considering the length of it (hell yeah, it's 'quite' long!), I think it's not fair for me to judge the whole story. So now I'm going to review the F4 only, which always become the first topic when people talk about this serial, whether it's Japan, Taiwan, or Korea (even I am more interested to discuss about these guys more than the main character). Note that this review is so subjective and according to my opinion.

The F4 is a group of 4 cute boys that plays a big role in this film. F4 stands for Flower Four. For me it sounds a bit stupid to use a word like 'Flower' to name a group of super handsome, rich, arrogant, and love-to-fight boys.

Domyouji Tsukasa / Dao Ming Shi / Goo Joon Pyo

Domyouji TsukasaJapan - 'Domyouji Tsukasa' by Matsumoto Jun
Score (comparing with the other same character) --> * for the least, *** for the most
Handsome: *, looking rich: **, cool: *, arrogant: ***, stubborn: ***, fighting: ***, funny and little bit ridiculous: ***, childish: ***, severe: ***, overall: ***
This Domyouji is the most successful in describing the real Domyouji. Although he's less cute than the other, but he got the sense of "annoying, funny, arrogant but sweet-hearted" of the leader of F4.

Dao Ming Shi
Taiwan - 'Dao Ming Shi' by Jerry Yan
Score (comparing with the other same character) --> * for the least, *** for the most
Handsome: ***, looking rich: *, cool: ***, arrogant: **, stubborn: **, fighting: **, funny and little bit ridiculous: **, childish: *, severe: *, overall: **
This Dao Ming Shi is a big phenomenon when Meteor Garden was first aired in Indonesia. Girls were talking about how super cute he is. Well, comparing to those 2, I admit that I am agree with that. He's play to be Domyouji is fine enough.

Goo Joon PyoKorea - 'Goo Joon Pyo' by Lee Min Ho
Score (comparing with the other same character) --> * for the least, *** for the most
Handsome: **, looking rich: ***, cool: **, arrogant: *, stubborn: *, fighting: *, funny and little bit ridiculous: *, childish: **, severe: **, overall: *
Goo Joon Pyo's face is more look-alike Dao Ming Shi. He's the most rich-looking than the other 2 (with his furry coats everywhere). Nah, he's cute. But here we're talking about the super annoying, arrogant, and stubborn Domyouji, which needs more than cute and billionaire outlook.

Hanazawa Rui/ Hua Zhe Lei/ Yon Ji Hoo
Hanazawa Rui
Japan - 'Hanazawa Rui' by Oguri Shun
Score (comparing with the other same character) --> * for the least, *** for the most
Handsome: *, cold: **, unpredictable: **, Silent: *, overall: **
He's good, especially in making Domyouji jealous. But here, Hanazawa Rui seemed a bit ridiculous, especially about the apple thing.

Hua Zhe LeiTaiwan - 'Hua Zhe Lei' by Vic Chou
Score (comparing with the other same character) --> * for the least, *** for the most
Handsome: ***, cold: ***, unpredictable: ***, Silent: *, overall: ***
This is my favourite 'Rui', even compared with the main character. He's cute, cold, and unpredictable. Enough to make Domyouji/Dao Ming Shi got into a big jealously and glinted enough standing beside the most beautiful girl in the story, Shizuka or Tengtang Jing.

Yoon Ji HooKorea - 'Yoon Ji Hoo' by Kim Hyun Joo
Score (comparing with the other same character) --> * for the least, *** for the most
Handsome: *, cold: *, unpredictable: *, Silent: ***, overall: *
Sorry, but I have to say that this guy is a disaster, being a member of F4 or have a childhood love story with a very beautiful, smart, and great women like Min Seo Hyun. I didn't mean to say that face is the most important aspect, but uh... you know what I mean. He's quite a disturbances for me in watching BBF. Oh God! Distaster in overall. Sorry.

A suuuper special sambal by Maya and Daivi!

Daivi (FE-Mene 07)
Cecep-FE Mene 07 and other people of Wisma Asri
Wisma Asri girls: Icha, Cici, Aska, Nduty

This had happened few months ago, where Daivi and I had a big trouble of 'Balinese-food-sick' (refers to homesick, not 'sick' in the meaning of had enough) . Let me explain some basic circumstances:
  1. There's a 'shocking-market' (a.k.a pasar kaget) right behind Wisma Asri, my 'kos'.
  2. Wisma Asri consists of 2 buildings, girls and boys, and the kitchen is located in boys building.
  3. Me and Daivi are Balinese.
When I wrote this, I tried to translate the Indonesian foods into English, but when I searched the first word 'tempe', it said
'a food that is made from fermented soybeans'.

"Nice. Really helpful."
Since my alfalink made tempe seems similar with soysauce, I decided to stop that effort.
Scene 1:
Sunday Morning, when Pasar Kaget is always held. Me and Daivi heading up to the kitchen with all the ingredients and cooking equipments we need. Today, we were gonna cook 2 dishes: tempe goreng tepung and sambel sera (sera means terasi). I was done with the tempe. It's not Balinese food, it's a very simple Indonesian food. Just pour a little water to the flour (we used Bumbu Racik Goreng Indofood), wrap the tempe with those, and fry. That's it! Yummy!
( Guys in the next room talking, "...tapi mereka masak tempenya pakai bumbu racik...". What the hell I care. I'm starving!)

Since I'm done with the tempe, I was willing to help Daivi with the sambal. Sambal sera is Balinese traditional sambal. The ingridients are: onions, garlics, small chillies (cabe rawit), salt, and terasi. Note that this is traditional recipe so that I can't give you the exact ammount of the ingredients. 'Feeling and intuition' is the key.

Apa lagi yang perlu dipotong?
Bawang merahnya aja. (She gave me 5)
(Struggling not to cry while cutting the onions, suddenly stopped) Cabenya segitu, bawangnya mau ditambah lagi? (considering the unbalanced ammount the things I cut and things she cut)
(While continue cutting the chillies) Nggak. Bawangnya segitu aja.
(eyes getting bigger) Nggak kebanyakan cabenya.
(picking more chillies) Nggak. Ntar nggak pedes kok ini. (convincing me)
(decide not to ask anymore. Well, those chillies were cut already.)

Scene 2:
Frying time! Yep! This sambal is fried.

(adding the ingredients to the fring pan which had oil heated already. Did a little stir.)
*coughing* (suddenly felt my nose and throat smarting and hot) *coughing louder*
(ignoring me) lebay ah lu, may.

(Suddenly, there was a cough sound from upstair. 3 times and sounded really suffered)

Cecep (the upstair boy):
Daivi masak sambel pedes banget ya? Baunya sampai ke atas!
Masa sih?!

(suddenly the entire boys building coughed)

Hehehe... iya ya? Masa sih? *coughed*
(Guess it has answered)

Sambelnya terlalu pedes ya?
(speechless. Thinking if it isn't gotten my eyes wet, then it will make me take stomachache pills.)

I understand. To get small chillies here is kinda difficult.Maybe she got too excited when she finally got it from the market.
Honestly, I couldn't eat all of the sambal alone. Thanks God, there were few girls of Wisma Asri who really like it too (it was their first time). But the next day, one of the girl came to us and said:

Daivi, Maya, kemarin tanganku panas banget seharian habis makan sambel kemarin.

Sorry, Icha... xD

What is Your point, God? (case study: Braven Wiragupti Kewo)

YES! My blog has reborn! Akhirnya gue menghidupkan kehidupan blogger gue yang uda lama banget terbengkalai... ('mayalicious' was my previous blog, sangat terbengkalai)... Searching for the most appropriate layout took long time... Not because I couldn't find my favourite (I even confused, they're all cute!), but there was always problem with its CSS...
Oh, and P.S: INDOSAT BROADBAND minta ditabok!


Co-starring: Putu Daivi Prawisanti, FE-Manejemen 2007

Scene 1:
it was about 8 in the morning. I wasn't sure. Because I just got asleep at 5 a.m and I was damn sleepy when I heard her called my name. I was laid on bed, my soul hasn't gathered perfectly, half of it made me believe that I was still dreaming.

Maya!!! Titip kamarku ya!
Hoh... (sleepily agreeing)
Titip ya! Aku mau ke rumah sakit dulu! Temenku 'lewat' (a.k.a passed, a.k.a meninggal).
Ya ampun... (still with the same 'pitch' with my previous 'hoh...')

Scene 2:
It's already 9.30 am and I'm fully sober, but not sober enough to realize that Scene no. 1 is real. I logged in my facebook, there I saw my friend status posted just a moment ago:

God will guide his guy. Tribute to our beloved friend,Braven Wiragupti Kewo.

"EEH?! So it was not a dream??!" No way! I mean, I know this 'Braven' was in a terrible condition, but it's like just yesterday we talked about how he had a strong will to survive and back to his life.
So, that's how it works.
Life can be taken anytime God wants it. Ready or not, there won't be rehearsal for it. One thing that I have no idea about is how He choose that person. This 'Braven' was told by Daivi as a very nice and kindhearted boy. How he passed is not as 'good' as he had behaved. Totally 180 degrees unmatched! It isn't fair for me who always believe in karma.

Oh, forget it. He won't answer, though. He has 'straight-answer-allergic' and obsesses to 'perfect-timing-answer'.
Yeah, I got it, God. I have to be ready anytime it takes. To leave or to be left.

Few seconds...

"What? Am I going to die know?! How would You like to make it? Slip my foot? Or choke me with toothbrush? Yeah, right. 'perfect-timing', huh?"
I walked to my bathroom with my towel on my head.

Hell stupid, I haven't said my condolences properly (it was just 'ya ampun' with blank minded condition)!

Good bye, Braven eventhough we never knew each other. You'll be getting what you deserve there, cause I still believe in Him eventhough I still couldn't undertstand the way He makes thing happened. Don't worry, He'll be taking care of you and your family.